Ian's first Thanksgiving was nice! We went over the river(s) and through the woods to Grandma and Grandpa Bishop's house. Grandma and Grandpa Miller came too. Ian was very well behaved and played and played. He sat in his high chair and ate turkey, sweet potatoes, squash, and green beans. He really liked it all!
We had our Christmas pictures taken on Sunday. We had our family picture taken, a picture of just daddy and Ian, a picture of Ian and Isaac together, and a picture of Ian by himself. The Johnson's were with us and had their family picture taken as well.
Ian went back to the doctor on tuesday for an ear check, and despite all the hoping and praying we did for good news, we didn't get it. Ian now has "severe" double ear infection. (It was just a mild, single ear infection 2 weeks ago.) He is back on antibiotics and is now having a bottle a day of formula to help with tummy issues and diaper rash coming from the strong antibiotics.
Poor guy! It is so sad to see him not feeling well. He also has gone on two nursing strikes in the last week and is biting mama, I'm sure it is because his ears and TEETH are bothering him.
Hopefully he will be all cleared up in another week.
We are going to Columbus for Aunt Dianne's graduation from Nursing School and two days later is Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Bishop's house. We have a lot of shopping, wrapping, packing, washing, etc. to do before then! I can already tell he is feeling better because he is napping better and seems to be much happier!
We are spending a (hopefully) quiet weekend at home this weekend and then we'll see where the wind blows us!