Thursday, January 10, 2008

Standing, Cruising, Waving, Clapping, Saying Mama!

It all happened in a matter of a couple days. Ian decided he wanted to do a whole bunch of new things all at once.

It really messed up his sleeping, but once he got it all accomplished, he went back to his old sleeping routine.

We had a horrible stomach virus right before Christmas and spent three days sick as dogs.

We found out on 12/27 that Ian needs tubes in his ears, and he will be having the surgery on Monday 1/14.

Daddy turns 28 tomorrow!


Unknown said...

oh my gosh! he's so cute and getting so big and older looking.

sorry about the stomach virus. that sucks big time.

Danielle said...

wow! he looks so much different! he's gonna be an over-achiever, i can tell. ;-)