Saturday morning, we finished the conversion to a big boy room by taking the crib out entirely and putting his toddler bed (that we've had in the room since November) into the crib's place. We also removed the changing table since he liked to climb it and put his stereo up onto the dresser.
There are no more remnants of the nursery. The only thing that is "original" to the time we created the nursery is the dresser & lamp. Everything else is different.
It's a little sad to know that THE nursery is gone. Aaron has his crib in the other room still so I guess there is still "technically" a nursery, but it just isn't the same. We didn't have the "luxury" of carefully choosing the wall colors, theme, bedding, etc. for Aaron's room. We just didn't have time or the opportunity. Someday we WILL make a room specifically for Aaron, but a nursery it will not be.
Anyway, Ian likes his new room. He really hasn't had much additional difficulty going to sleep in there. He is still a very "stubborn" sleeper and still has to cry about going to sleep, but for nap and bedtime yesterday, he has ultimately gotten in his bed and gone to sleep.
And now, instead of worrying he'll climb over the rail while fighting about sleep, I listen for the thud of him rolling out of bed.
Transitions. (They never seem to go easily in these parts.)
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